What began in prayer as a cry for God to fill the lonely hours when her daughter went away to college has blossomed into HandmaidArt.
Holy Name of Jesus parishioner, Renee Hickman, has turned her prayer time into art time, creating art as she prays for those who will receive it. HandmaidArt offers several Open House opportunities each year to see and buy Renee's art, as well as being a regular vendor at the W.I.N.E. (Women in the New Evangelization) conference and select art shows.
While Renee's crosses remain her most popular items, she also offers images such as Sacred and Immaculate Hearts, Marian-themed art like the Annunciation and the Nativity, and a variety of Bookmarks and Ornaments.
Remember that HandmaidArt is handmade art. As such, each piece will be made to order AFTER you place an order. You may always send us an email at Reee@HandmaidArt.com with a description of what you want for an estimate of how long a project will take.
Renee is an Art Evangelist.
Meet Renee

Please remember that all products are customizable and Renee is happy to accommodate new product suggestions and requests.
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